The Superhero in You

Everyone was BORN with inner gifts. By choosing to live with courage and kindness we are able to surround ourselves by superheroes who allow us to see the very best in us. The Superhero in you course is a communication course between parents and their kids, based on knowing what you stand for before it’s in front of you...superheroes are prepared. Practice the virtues you were born with and they become character that you become, your inner Superpowers.
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Created by

Kari Weber Young

People are her passion and enriching each life is her mission. While working with the iconic Les Brown and Rhonda Britten, Kari shared openly that humans are not meant to do life alone especially in a world of so much opportunity. “We are so much better TOGETHER!” 
After raising her four children, Kari is an international coach, author and influencer and has provided women’s empowerment through Umbrella 4 Life, which she founded 13 years ago. Kari is an active example of what Contagious Living is and as a superhero to many, this children’s author is currently on a mission to rebuild connection between children and parents by finding their inner superheroes and creating a bridge from one stranger to another, uniting the world.
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