Heilenergie Aktivieren
by Anet Janik

Was machst Du automatisch, wenn Du Dich verletzt hast oder einem verletzten Kind helfen möchtest: Richtig, Du legst Deine Hand auf die Wunde.
Dieser Automatismus hat einen guten Grund: Wir alle haben Heil-Energie. Die Frage ist nur, ob Du Dir Deiner Heil-Energie bewusst bist und sie bereits anwenden kannst.
Stell Dir vor, Du weißt nach bereits 1 Stunde mit mir,
a) welche Form von Sprache es braucht, um schnell heilen zu können!
b) warum bestimmte Wünsche weder zum Heilen noch zum Manifestieren geeignet sind!
c) mit welch machtvollem Tool Du sofort in Deine Heil-Energie kommst und sie einsetzt!
Write your awesome label here.
Meet the instructor

Anet Janik

Die SehnsuchtsDesigner was born out of a vision 25 years ago. Since then, I have spent my life trying to figure out how spirit creates matter. A few years ago, I found the last piece of the puzzle and solved it for myself. And ever since, I have been living a wonderfully full life with breathtaking possibilities. As a coach, which I have always been, it is among other things my destiny to bring people into their power and courage to live their top 10 life. Always for the benefit of their own life and that of all people, animals, plants, and minerals. Most people fail for a variety of reasons. Blessed with a unique private education by my mentor (Professor of Psychology, Dr. of Medicine, and Dr. of Economics), I combine Scientific Knowledge with my Applied Spirituality. And so, I have made manifesting from the zero point field teachable! Yes, also for you the Masterclass of Die SehnsuchtsDesigner is profitable. But so that you first get free valuable tips and a free foretaste, here is this extraordinary workshop for everyone. Because today it is about more: It's about you AND it's about our world. We need you rich. Why and what exactly does that mean? - I'll explain that to you in the free workshop for the Masterclass of Die SehnsuchtsDesigner.
Patrick Jones - Course author