人聲加油站 Voice Gas Station

這門課程有三大重點,我會以深入淺出的說明和示範,期望協助您:1.正確使用聲帶,對身體和聲音都好。2.找到真實的情緒,輕鬆表達文字和語言 3.發現心理問題,進入說話的真善美境界。
This course is consisted of three main points where I will help you with simple explanations and demonstrations: 
1. Proper use of your vocal cord is good for both your body and voice. 
2. To explore your “true emotions” and to express words and language easily.
3. Pin-point your mental obstacles and enter the realm of truth, goodness and beauty in speaking.
Write your awesome label here.

Created by

Heather Ho 賀世芳

我是賀世芳,是一位台灣配音員,配音資歷超過25年,我同時也是一名演員與講師;在配音/表演/教學三種領域裡,我持續不斷精進與學習,對於聲音這門藝術有許多的感想與心得。 I am Heather Shih-Fang Ho, a Taiwanese voice actress. I have been a voice actress for more than 25 years and I am also an actress and a lecturer with plenty of thoughts and experiences.