嘻哈舞  Hip Hop Dancing

"我熱愛舞蹈. I love to dance." 
與Ella學跳舞 - Learn to dance with ELLA
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Created by

Ella Shi 施瑋廷

我是Ella老師,非常榮幸可以在這個頻道擔任各位的舞蹈老師. 我熱愛舞蹈,喜歡在舞台上揮灑汗水的感覺,並且享受著眾人的目光,我有10年以上的舞蹈經歷,更是各大知名藝人指定合作舞者,不論是跨年場合或者明星演唱會的萬人舞台以及美國還有亞洲等等很多國家都有很豐富的演出經驗。舞蹈對於我來說已經成為我生命中的一部分,如果妳也跟我一樣熱愛跳舞,千萬別錯過訂閱我的頻道喔。
I am Teacher Ella, and I am very honoured to be your dance teacher on the ASCIRA platform. I love dancing, I like to sweat on stage, and enjoy the eyes of everyone. I have more than 10 years of dancing experience and worked with famous entertainers, designate cooperative dancers on over thousands of stage whether it is star concerts or special occasions around the world. Dance has become a part of my life for me. If you love dancing like me, subscribe to my course.