Develop ICE-Q for a Global Business at the Next Level 

The formula for success in global business contains several variables. A key factor in the growth equation is ICE-Q, a fusion of three essential human skills: subject matter expertise (IQ), cultural intelligence (CQ), and emotional intelligence (EQ): IQ + CQ + EQ = ICE-Q The secret sauce of international business and an indispensable skill set if you’re serious about global success. Global growth increases the more opportunities present themselves or are created, the bigger the average deal value is, and the higher an organization’s ICE-Q is. 
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Christian Höferle

German by birth, American by choice, and Bavarian at heart, Christian is a cross-cultural business consultant with extensive experience in working with multinational companies. With his company, The Culture Mastery, he helps people close gaps between their home culture and the cultures they are working with. His mission is to lead people to a better understanding of cultures, so they can work at their peak and in peace with each other. His goal is to create peace by helping people from different cultures understand each other better.
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