左右腦 Left and Right Brain
你知道人有分左腦或右腦使用者嗎?如果你懂的運用左右腦(全腦)模式來與對方溝通,你可以觸及到不同類型的人以致於擁有更好的結果。如果你懂的有效地刺激你的腦力,透過好問句問自己與對方,你的目標可以完成快一點且容易些!懂的對自己的大腦說話是非常重要的練習. 它可以升級你的記憶力學習吸收力, 增強技能與工作效率。在這20堂課中你發現更好的自己。
Did you know that there are left-brained and right-brained users?
If you would know how to use the left and the right brain (whole brain) modes to interact with each other, you would discover different types of people and this could help you better understand each other.
If you know how effectively stimulate your brain power and make the right questions, you can achieve your goals much faster and easier!
Its very important to understand your brain.
In this course you will learn how to understand yourself, how to enhance your acquired skills and apply them at your workplace.