個人網路行銷藍圖 Internet Marketing Blueprint

Internet marketing enables you to build the relationships with the customers and the potential customers through a regular, low-cost, personalized communication, thereby reflecting your departure from mass marketing
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Created by

Darren Hung 洪幼龍

I’m internet entrepreneur and internet marketing blogger. I have been in internet marketing for seven years, executed more than 100 marketing projects, generated revenue of over 100 million for my clients. My company's annual revenue has reached over 10 million and with a small team of experts. Besides my internet marketing company, I Invest in other companies such as, Video production, Education training, Space lease more, and other. With the experience I earn over the years, I have taught over 100 lectures across Asia.
我是洪幼龍Darren,來自台灣台北。是位網路創業家,也是個網路行邀部落客。從事網路行銷七年,經手過的行銷專案超過百件。協助客戶創造的營收破億。 從個人開始研究網路行銷,到一個人達成年營收破千萬,再到帶領數十人的網路行銷團隊執行大小的專案。擁有豐富的實戰經驗! 目前開設一間網路行銷公司,也轉投資影像製作公司、教育培訓公司、空間租借公司…等,同時擁有豐富的教學經驗,在亞洲各的演講超過百場以上。